February 27, 2012

Nissan NV200, The Vehicles Cancer

NEWCASTLE - Nissan NV200 is a car with this type of Multi Purpose Vehicle (MPV). There is a unique case of N200 is located in Newcastle, England. One of cancer care in Newcastle, has been used Nissan NV200 to transport cancer patients.

In such cases, the cancer care unit has 50 NV200 for use transporting patients suffering from cancer. NV200 van as it changed with the sliding side door. Thus was launched the autoevolution, Monday (27/02/2012).

This is a joint venture with Nissan-based cancer care in Newcaslte. Because, Nissan saw people with cancer in the UK quite a lot, in one week can carry 1,000 people.

"This is our partnership with Nissan. Nissan gives us 50 units to be used as a car transporter NV200 cancer patients in England, "said Brian Burnie, Charity Trustees and UK cancer care.

Furthermore, the NV200 is a cancer patient transportation made ​​it looks different to the original version, especially on the exterior design is painted blue and a touch of the images and text.


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