February 4, 2012

2013 Cadillac XTS Pave this Month

LOS ANGELES - Cadillac XTS 2013 will no longer be a dream for those of you who like American cars. Therefore, the car will soon be gliding on 13 February. The launch is done in the mat Las Vegas International Limousine, Charter and Tour Show.

Previously, the concept is still shaped, XTS 2013 was first exhibited in the Detroit Auto Show 2010 and the Los Angeles Auto Show last November. This car was built at the factory Oshawa, Ontario. Thus was launched Inautonews, Friday (02/03/2012).

"This is a new premium vehicle from Cadillac sedan that will replace the Cadillac STS and DTS. XTS new generation will also be equipped with high-tech machines, "said Cadillac Professional Vehicle Program Manager, Ray Bush.

Furthermore, this car uses front-wheel drive and plug-in hybrid, and the XTS Platinum concept will be mated with the plug-in hybrid system that can generate power 300 hp and 264 lb-lf torque and fuel consumption is only achieved 17/28 mpg.

XTS 2013 will feature several new technologies such as OLED or Organic LEDs can provide bright colors and dark black. And also has a large enough passenger space, and luxurious interior design and high tech.


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